Broadsheet: What Is 21st Century Liberation? (FREE)

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For the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising, Visual AIDS asked an intergenerational group of artists and activists—ALOKJason CollinsWinter CollinsTimothy DuWhiteLola FlashTenzin Gund-MorrowElle Hearns, Corey JohnsonBill T. Jones, Elizabeth Koke, and Chris Vargas—to answer the question: What Is 21st Century Liberation?

Their responses compose Visual AIDS' latest broadside project, designed by Avram Finkelstein, co-creator of SILENCE=DEATH, and Rodrigo Moreira.

The project aims to address the complex intersectional issues that link AIDS activism with LGBTQI+ activism, and with expansive forms of social justice activism, both historically and today.

Free broadsides will be available throughout New York City during the month of June, and will be distributed in the thousands by Visual AIDS during the 2019 New York City Pride March for Stonewall 50.

 **If you do not live in New York City, you can order a broadside here for the cost of shipping ($2.00)**

If you would like to receive a bulk order of WHAT IS 21ST CENTURY LIBERATION? for free distribution at your institution, please email Kyle Croft, Programs Manager at